Honorable Mr. Chairman
Dear brothers, sisters, ladies and gents.
First, let’s thank Allah the Almighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing until we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this happy place and time.
Secondly, may Shalawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SAW peace be upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the next world.
Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of this public. Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title : “Departure To Be A Genuine Mukmin”.
Dear brothers and sisters!
To increase the faith and devotions to Allah, furthermore, trough the new year of Hijiriah, we will remember the history of Muhammad SAW fight and his sahabat in built Allah’s religion. It is know in his history literature, that Muhammad SAW and his sahabat developed Islamic risalah in Mekkah were fought by Quraisy completely. They did a person an injustice to his sahabat (friends) in order to finish his da’wah. The day by day, their cruelty and ill-treatment have been increased, but it is a wonderful; the more cruetly and the more ill-treatment have given by Quraisy. It is the more followers of Islam stated. There is no one of Muslim to be murtad (out of Islam) after he stated coming Islam.
The climax of their cruetly is they agree on catch and kill Muhammad SAW. From this situation, Rasulullah get the command to evacuate to Madinah, so Muhammad SAW eave Mekkah and come to Madinah with his sohabah.
Our brothers and sisters!
The adventure of this Hijrah becomes the post of the fight of Islamic people to be continued. They have not suppressed by friends only, but averse by enemies. The adventure of Hijrah will relevant constantly related with atmosphere context and time right now or future. The values of the content in the adventure of Hijrah will relevant constantly to be revocation of live.
There is some wisdom, which was put from the event of Hijrah, like:
First, it is travelling to defend the faith, the proofare; his sohabah will leave their country and wealth. They will be separated with their beloved man or family, which are difference faith (akidah). The faith that is defended by them causes the calm and quit heart. Furthermore, it is why his friend (sahabat) will travel on hot desert? They go from Mekkah to Madinah with strong faith. So, to point out new year of Hijrah, please, coming our faith to Allah completely like his sahabat and it is concreted by good deeds in our life.
Our brothers and sisters!
The faith will make our live directed and calm down. The power and freedom think must be balence. Allah is not only giving the common sense for the people, but also the heart. Actually, we need the science and technology, but those are not the whole give the prosperity life, but without the faith that dominate the heart. So the science will reveal the lie man. The science and technology that are balanced with the faith will make people the more conscious the reality themselves. This is mentioned in surah Ali Imran; verses 191:
“Our Lord! You created not this in vain. Glory is to You! Preserve us from doom of fire!”. (Ali-Imran: 191).
In addition, the faith has the function is to manage the desire. Then creation who named the Angle have been given the sense only, without the lust,. Furthermore, no one of Angel rebel to Allah’s command. On the contrary, only Allah has given animal the lust, so that he is natural do the wrong deeds, where as the human being has been given of both (the lust and sense). When the sense dominant themselves, so, the right will be the winner and he raise to angel’s degree. However, if the lust dominates them, so the animal’s characters will embellish their deeds, so that, he fall down into animal’s degree. Allah said this term in surah At-Tiin, verses 4-5, as follow:
“Surely, we created man of the best stature. Then we reduced him to be lowest of low”. (At-Tiin: 4-5).
In addition, to increase the worship as media to keep the balance between the body and heart, we should give the power of faith from Allah to do His command as a proof of the faith, so that reached for happiness in the world and the hereafter.
I stop here my speech I apologize for my mistakes if any yhank you very much for your attention. See you next time and may Allah bless you eternally.
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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