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Islamic Speech: Islam in Challenge Age

Dear protocols

Dear speakers

And my muslim brothers

In the name of Allah the beneficent and merciful, praised be to Allah which Him only we worship and which Him only we ask for help.

Thank for Mr. Chairman for your kidness giving me opportunity to speak in front of the public now, under entitled: “Islam In Challenge Age”.

All my brothers!

If we open the Islamic history, we find that the condition of Quraisy is in killing each others. There was no unity and humanity among them. The slavery was a deep rooted among them. Their character in the age was like the sons who walk in darkness, in a muddy street, no lamp and without stick to peep the way.

Therefore, Allah chooses Muhammad SAW. To become His Prophet to guide all human beings in this world and Allah Him the glorious book Al-Qur’an, which was the source of laws and knowledge and the method to live in the world.

Remember! Our Prophet Muhammad SAW never stopped struggling to spread Islamic teaching of Allah, though he had many ordeals and obstacles. He only lived sixty-three years, but he had a brilliant result and he died as the man who changed the world from the darkness to the brightness.

All my brothers!

The glorious age of Islam emerged Dynasty Abbasyyah age, where people had lived peacefully and prosperously. There was no distingush between one, others, social matters and social affair were running well, and they could spread Islamic teaching to Europe. However, after the Dynasty Abbsyyah, Islam began disappearing in decline more and more as long seven centuries.

All my brothers!

Today at the end of twentieth century, all Muslims over the world are arising from their great declination and the fire of spirit of Islam heartily went out will flare up again to get the glorious, till we have seen the revival of Islam was emerged in every where such as i the America although Islam is under the protection of communism. In Thailand although Islam is under the protection of jurisdiction of Buddhism. In Philippine although Islam is under the protection of Corry and so on. However, Islam is always in the glorious, as our Prophet Muhammad said:

Recently the revival of Islam in our country where some mosques always crowded by Muslim and women worn the veil or jilbab, because they understood that to obey the Islamic laws and rules is obliged.

We are santri, and as young generations of Islam, we must approach them and we must give them the spirit to depen the Islamic laws, until be realized “Baldatun Toyyibatun wa Rabbun Ghafuur”.

Let us get this our opportunity; there is no time to walk slowly.

Let us get our conquest, let us get our conquest. This is my speech. Finally. 

Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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