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Islami Speech: The Rights To The Fellow Man

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speaker

My loving brothers and sisters.

For beginning our meeting, through this forum, first, let’s thank Allah the Almighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing until we can attend this meeting.

Second, may shalawat and salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SAW. Peace Be upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world and hereafter.

Third, I will never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of this public.

My brothers and sisters!

As our Prophet Muhammad SAW. in his Tradition (Al Hadist) and the Words (Al Atsar) from companions (Shahabat) that the right the fellow man is say greeting to the people if you meet them, come if they invite you, pray with say Yarhamukallah if they sneeze, pay a visit to them if they sick, watch the mortal remains if he passed away, correct the oath if they injure you, give advise if they ask, keep they self-respect if they are not in your side, love them as you love your self.

Annas r.a tells from Rasulullah SAW. he said: “There are four rights between Muslims and you are; 1) Please! You help them who deed the right, 2) Please! You ask forgiveness for them who the wrong deeds, 3) Please! You call them if they turn away. 4) Please! You love them who repentance.”

My brothers and sisters!

Beside that, the rights between Muslim and others are:

First, please! Some one loves the believer as he loves himself and hates something that is dislike happen on him as hate if some things happen on him.

Nu’man bin Basyir said: I hear Rasulullah SAW., said: “The resemblance of believers in love each other like one body, when one of member of body is sick, the other members of body fell to and kept”.

Abu Musa tells from Rasulullah SAW., he said: “The believer to the other believer like the building who strong then each other”.

Second, please some one does not hate the Muslims either with deed or with word, Rasulullah SAW., said:

“Muslim is who can make Muslim people tell safe from his tongue and hand.”

Our Prophet said: “Do you know who is Muslim?” They answered: Allah  and the Prophet more understand. He said Muslim is who can make the other Muslims fells safe from disturbed of tongue and hand. Than they asked, who is the believer? He said: “He is a man who can make safe the believers either his spirit or his wealth.” They anked any more who is depature man. He said: “A man who depature from badness and leave it.”

“Rasulullah SAW., said: there is no good (halal) for Muslim, looking to make ill for Muslim brothers. Our Prophet said: There is no good for Muslim surprise the other Muslim with bed surprise ...”

Ladies and gents!

The third, please! Do not put to silence a man who is recognized more three days altough you hate him.

Abu Ayub Al Anshari, said: Rasulullah SAW., said: There is no good for Muslim cuts the relationship his brather (is Islam) the more three days, when he meet, he turn and other one’s too. The best is both of them who begin to say greeting.

The faith: Please! You do the tawadhu’ work or attitude, and do not lie to other Muslim. Truly Allah dislike to the lie (lie man).

Told from Abu Aufa: Truly, Rasulullah deeds tawadhu’ to each Muslim. He does not offend, lie and shame when walk with widow and poor man, so that he can tell his need and they tell satisfied.

As the opening my speech, let’s us to pray, may Allah always give the blessing and His mercy to us. Those, my speech, thank you very much for your attention and I would like you to forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. May Allah the Almighty bestow on us His endless blessing for this faithful activity. 
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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