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Islamic Speech: The Proud

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

My loving brothers and sisters

In this good opportunity, no word proper I say, except say Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT. Because with His guidance and His aid we can meet together in this place.

My Shalawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SAW., that always we hope his intercession in hereafter.

I will never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all for participation in speech practice in the glory place. Okey, I would like to present my speech under the title: “The Proud”.

Ladies and gents!

The proud is the heart illnes, which infect the people either in the work or in words. So, the man who proud is always contradiction with heart word, his heart broke, so that in doing the right he is not emphasize the sincerity, but only to get acknowledgement from other person not his God.
From this case, Allah said:

“Ah, woe unto worshippers, who are heedless of their prayer, who (only) make a show (of worship). Yet refuse small kindnesses!”  (Al-Ma’un: 4-7).

This verses describe that the proud (riya’) will come Allah’s wrathfull. The man who made proud, means he forgetted his God, for example in worship for God (Allah) is always a man made proud. Our Prophet Muhammad SAW., afraid if this people made proud because it is include in Syirik Ashghar, like he said:

“Something that the more tirreble for me on my people is Syiriku asghar, so, he asked, what is Syiriku ashghar, he answered is the proud”.

Ali bin Abi Thalib describes the indications of man who made the proud, like this:

“Ali bin Abi Thalib said: That there are 3 indications of man who made the proud: 1) He lazies to good action if alone, but to be active if there are people, 2) If the praised the more active in good action work, 3) If he defected the less active in work.”

Stored that Umar bin Khaththab saw the person who is worship to Allah (shalat) with bowed his neck, so Umar said: O man who has neck, rise you neck, it is not concentrate in praying (khusyu’) in the neck but in heart.

From explanation above can understood that khusyu’ is not ought to be seen at the attitude when we work (act), moreover, he attended somebody else know hos work. The case always happened in our society, not only in Shalat work, but also in the work that related with worship to Allah, which is not, uderstood the purpose of the worship. So that, Rasulullah SAW., very fearful of this deed., if penetrate through his people, because they work will refuse by Allah SWT.

From the sort describe we conclude that the proud is the work that can brike our work, even with the proud we categorized as Syirik Ashghar and his fearful by Rasulullah SAW., when penetrate through his people. Let’s we pray to Allah my we always socerity i work, so that we freedom from the proud character it is truly that Allah is a great giver.

To opening, let’s us to pray, may Allah always give the blessing and His mercy for us. Those, my speech, thank you very much for your attention and I would like you forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. May Allah the Almighty bestow on us His endless blessing for this faithful activity.

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Huma

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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