Honorable Chairman of presentation
Respectable speakers
My loving audience
For begining my speech, let we thank to Allah who made overflow his delicacy for us, until we cannot count it. Shalawat and salam may on our prophet Muhammad who was become messenger of Alah to make arrive gratifying news, warning and blessing for people on earth.
Then, I will never forget to thank to Mr. Chairman, who has given us an opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all under the title: “The Present Islamic People”.
Ladies and gents!
Know! That Islamic people is the big and the high people who were cleaned in Al-Qur’an and were exalted. Therefore, to become middte people who guard the circulation of human life. In addition, to show, how is the way of humankind consider, to approve whichthe right and to disapprove which the dish. Allah made high the degree of Islamic people and become them a good people, which were turn for humankind. But, will never be good people, except if they do the certain conditions that were made by Allah, are amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, so that, it has to Islamic people to do the high risalah, that become theei principle of faith to Allah who great the power and great Excellency. He people to deliver his religion which straight forward for all humankind.
My Brothers! May Allah alwasy guide you to the way of Him that upright. Because, in the present, there are some people who deviate from their principle of religion, and go out from the degree that was given by Allah to them. Therefore, in the present, they really became a man who does not understand the capable himself and Allah humiliate to them, also humankind humiliate too, so that, become insignificant rather than the other people.
If you do not understand yourself truly, so, other person will humiliate you. O my brother in aqidah who blessed by Allah! Truly, we life right now, in the period where human being need greatly to Islamic doctrine and it principle. After subjected by materialistic culture with huma being satisfied. They want hold the aqidah that can shine suitable with natural ability, as we stay in the some period, where an Islamic man need greatly to religion knowledge. Really, there are Islamic people who blind religion knowledge.
Commonly, they are not understand how are the way of prayer (five time) or how do the fasting compeletely, also they are not understand when and how many measure the person has to go out the alms (zakat). Where as the case of pilgrimage is the pillar of the Islam that the Islamic people do not understand.
They extend the Islam with the foolish wich only relaxation, they leave their countries to the place of worship without indication that they have knowledege of Islamic low or fiqh.
Dear Muslim! Truly, you all are the best people, born to human being, you should encourage to amar ma’ruf nahi munkar’. Finally, we have to belief to Allah Azza wa Jalla.
I think, that’s my speech, if you find many mistakes, I beg you pardon, finally.
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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