Honorable Chairman of presentation
Respectable speakers
And my loving audience
All praise only to Allah, who sends Rasulullah with bringing the revelation and the right Religion, who has been given his blessing for us, mean blessing of belief, Islam and health, until the opportunity I can meet together in this blessing place. Moreover, I will never forget to say thank to Chairman who gives opportunity for me to speech in front of you all, under the title: “Help Each Other In Goodness”.
Ladies and gents!
Islam commands to poeple to do just (rightful), and always to do goodness for everybody, on the contrary, Islam prohibit for people to wrong to person, Islam educates for somebody who has trust to obey the command of Allah and always deed the goodness. For Muslims were ordered to help each other in goodness and prohibit helping each other in bed deed. Because thus, will harm all sides. In following case, Allah said:
“But help one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression”. (Al-Maidah: 2).
This verses explains that Allah command to people who believed in order to help each other in the positive case. And prohibit all negative cases, like fight, which come the sins. Ibnu Jarir said: The sin is if avoid everything that was commanded by Allah. Where as the meaning of fight is to cross what was established by Allah in the religion and for cross what was obligated by Allah on each person with other.
Ladies and gents!
Our prophet said, that related with help each other in goodness.
“From Abdurrahman Zaid bin Khalid Al Juhainy r.a said, our prophet said: Whoever prepare everything to fight in the way of Allah, so it is truly he fought in the way of Allah, and whoever keep proprietary right of man who fighting seriously, mean he followed the fight. (Bukhari and Muslim).
Everything that represent of requirement and importance in the fight in the way of Allah, so, to do in includes in the fight as the fight quiet household and family, so a men who help in keeping proprietary right seriously will get reward as the reward of the fighter.
Thus teh expression of stimilation for goodness and obedience, which contain stimulation for Muslim to help each other in goodness and obedience to Allah, and advise each other too. Finally, will be continuing (istiqamah) in doing command of Allah, and will get the reward in resurrection. So, whoever want to become the best exalted, they should extend the goodness for people, and bridle the wrongs and fighting, with the raight ways, so Islamic people will happiness on earth and hereafter.
That’s all for the time being. It is hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like you to forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. Thank a lot for your full attention to me. My Allah the Almighty bestow on us His undless blessings for this faithful activity.
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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