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Islamic Speech: Keep The Mandete

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

My loving brothers and sisters

First, let’s thank to Allah, the God of the whole world.may Shalawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, who has guide us from darkness to lightness.

Ladies and gents!

As a believer, we should keep and to take care the mandete as good as possible. Keep the mandete is the one of the characters of the Angels, Prophets, and Apostles and become special character to a good man and devotion. Allah said:

“Lo! Allah commanded you that you restore deposits to their owners”.  (An-Nisa’: 58).

According to the commentator, the verse is contains of main point of law of religion. That verse commonly related with people (mukallaf) either to take hold as business man or not. They should to guard and honest to man who is ill-treated and explain his rights, that is the mandete. Keep the wealth of Muslims especially the wealth of an orphan child. The Ulama’s obligate to teach the religion’s laws to humankind commonly. It is also the mandete that must be kept by them and to be special priority, which has to be done. The old man should keep his young with giving education as good as possible, it is the mandete for him.

Ladies and gents!

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW., said:

“No belief for man who can not be trusted to his mandate and no religion for man who can not fulfil one’s promise”.

And he said:

“Every man of you is a leader and every man of you will be asked the responsibility on his leadership”.

In Zahru Al-Riyadh explained that in the day of resurrection every man would be come faced to Allah, the He said: No O my God, so Allah ordered to an Angel to hold his hand and to throw a way in the hell of Jahannam. Then his eyes were showed to the mandate which found in the hell’s valley of Jahannam, so that, he come in that valley (Jahannam). After he arrive in the top of the valley (Jahannam) his feet slide until he fall down one more with bringing his mandate. He climbs and falls down one more and continuously, so that the mercy of God come through the intercession (syafa’at) of the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, until the last, the owner’s of the mandate willingness.

He (Muhammad SAW) also said: “Deliver the mandate to person who entrust with you and do not betray to person who betrayed to you”.

In addition, he said: “My people will always in the rightness when they do not think the mandate as the fortune and the alms as the loss”.

Ladies and gents!

Those all what I can deliver to this opportunity, may we become the uslim who alwasy keep the mandate as good as possible. Finally, thank for your attention and I apologize for mistakes, wallahu muwaffiq ilaa aqwaamit thariq. 

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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