Respectable master of ceremony
Respectable speaker
And my loving audience.
For beginning my speech, let we thank to Allah who made overflow his delicacy for us, until we cannot count it. Shalawat and salam may on our prophet Muhammad SAW., who was become messenger of Allah to make arrive gratifying news, warning and blessing for people on earth.
Then, I will never forget to thank to Mr. Chairman, who has given us an opportunity to deliver a speech in front of you all; under the title: “Suggestion to Follow Circumcision (Sunnah Rasull)”.
Dear Muslim!
It is true, the shine comes and the Holy Qor’an obviosly comes from Allah for us. With Al-Qur’an Allah will guide for some body that follows his willingness and show to upright way with the light, which shine, on west until east. With Al-Qur’an Allah will fulfill one’s heart with science, trust and honest. With Al-Qur’an Allah will cleans the morals or bad deeds and perfect all principles.with Al-Qur’an Allah will change the attitude of believer from syirik in praying to be sincerity for Allah. And after denial from the right, then get guide and help. So that after disruption cause the slander become friendship with hold the Command of Allah, and after broken to be well, after sadness to be happiness those are only of blessing of Allah.
Really syari’at Allah is easy and this doctrine is straight, that fulfilled and seized for all which to make quite of heart. As Allah said in Holy Qur’an:
“Such is Allah your Lord; He is the sovereignty; and those unto whom you pray instead of Him own not so much as the white spot on a datestone”. (Al-Faathir: 13).
The short verse command to us in order to hold on circumcision (Sunnah Rasul) and to go a way from new cases, that is not contrary with religion, beacuse each new case in religion is bid’ah. As our prophet said:
“Any body to do a good deeds that never been done by Rasululllah is refused”.
Ladies and gent’s!
I hope you should always hold with Al-Qur’an; and circumcision. If you hold of both, so, you must will be a good man that readiness by Allah, either his deeds or behavior. Moreover, it is not doubted that the heaven available and opened for people who always follow the Holy book (Al-Qur’an) and circumcision. Don’t afraid and fearful, truly Allah with you. Beside that, ladies and gents! Be known! Those in the presence of you there are Orientalist and unbeliever and behind you are Jewish and Christian stand. They want broken the Islam, therefore, where you will run, hey! The young Muslim! There are no place to run for you! Except fight and jihad to face the threat of Jewish and Christian, so that, our Government to be fine, which is take place in it Allah’s laws and His circumcision. And fight for your religion and don’t worry, truly, Allah with you always.
Perhaps those all what I can deliver to you. I apologize for my mistakes if any. Thank you very mauch for your attention, finally.
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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