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Islamic Speech: Take The Example From Rasulullah

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable master of ceremony

Respectable speakers

And my loving audience

Oh my God, the only one we worship and the only one we ask for help. Show us the right path, the path of those who has favor and blessing. Oh my Lord! Expand me my breast. Easy my task for me. And remove the impediment from my speech. Therefore, they may understand what I say.

My lovemy friend! Tonight I should like to speak on the title: “Take The Example From Rasulullah”.

My brothers and sisters!

We come in the third month in 14.... of Hijiriah. It is glorious month; it is a month, which is events that are more historic happened for Muslim society. It is Rabiul Awal month. The events are Muhammad SAW., bird, His Hijrah, and His passed way. The third event happened in Rabiul Awal.therefore, we should not focussed on one event only, for example, just for His Maulidiyah, but we should focussed on the whole, to get the message and example of His life and His jihad,. In build Allah’s religion on earth, actually, Muhammad come on the earsth is as a great blessing on the whole. The earth, which is the dark in the first, becomes the light right now, with Islamic light that he brought. Atheism and polytheism changed become the doctrine of God’s one-ness (Tauhid Ilaahiyah). Creedless ness (pre-Muhammad) changed with Syari’at Samawi system. The disruption and the hostilities changed with Ukhuwah Islamiyah. The hopeless changed with consciousness and happiness earth and hereafter. Thanks to Allah who gives the revelation for us, so that, we believe and approve the doctrine that it is brought by Him (Muhammad SAW).

My brothers and sisters!

In the Rabiul Awal month, it is necessary to make a planning to remark the historic event like the explanation above, to remember and to teach the glorious values, which found in His life and the straggle in build Allah’s religion. The kind of the remark is a good opportunity and has great advantages. The tradition was for centuries ago take care of Muslim people on earth. But the remark and a good tradition, do not stained with the wrong deeds and denials, because the remark become Islamic activity and matched with Islamic Syari’ah and activities which is get the willingness from Allah. We should leave the wrong deeds and denials like, spirituous drink, noise and joined between man and girl that where prohibited by Allah. Those, closed the first purpose is dig up the values of His life, fight and Islamic extended. Moreover, it is an anxious, if Muslim does good deeds but the values of them are nothing or the wrong deeds, which covered with goodness.

My brothers and sisters!

In take care of great Islamic days like in everywhere, we found. It should not only the celebration, without the message and impression that advantages in build of people. On contrary, the valuable opportunity should be used effectively to increase the faith and devotion of people, to spread Rasulullah’s doctrine, so that, the people know and understand the doctrine truly. In addition, the last they are hoped to do and take an example of His life, important to know, that Muhammad is figure and an example that must be followed. Like mentioned in surah Al-Ahzab, verses 21:

“Verily in the messenger of Allah you have a good example for him who looked unto Allah and the last Day and remembered Allah much.”  (Al-Ahzaab: 21).

 Verse above explains that a good example for Islamic people is found in Rasulullah himself. The examples covering that whole aspect of live. It is beginning from himself, his family, and relation with his neighbor, even to take to politics and states, especially, i relation between men and his God. In other verses explain with clearly explantion like mentioned in surah Ali Imran, verses 31:

“Say (O Muahammad to mankind) if you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive tou your sisns. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”  (Ali Imran: 31).

My brothers and sisters!

How are we taking an example Rasulullah’s life? The first, we should know his Siirah (his live). It means the journey of his live in everyday and the fight in extended Islamic religion. This case in known by us through the books, Holy books, or written works even though the Islamic talkative, religious recitaton and in the schools.

The knowledge about his life (Siirah Rasulullah SAW) and Islamic history is important thing for Islamic people, because from those we will take example.

Related with the examples, we must be anxious with the Islamic condition it self. Because the more Islamic people as well as the old and the young generation are not know about Siirah Rasulullah. In addition, they are not understood Islamic Ulama’s and Islamic figures. So that, we always imitate and take the examples from life’s attitude that naturally is not suitable and even fought with Islamic Syari’ah, especially in globalization era. We know the event in the split off part of the east. It is too fast the information extended in the whole of world. Far distance is not obstacle again for receive information. With the more technology advance and science, the world changed too fast. The transportation is easier, but the easy is not giving positive effect. Because the produces of technology is neutral, depend on human being who use the produce.

To counter balance the world changed which is so fast, Islamic people is necessary to accomplish the improvement. It means to dig up and to formulate the Islamic velues give transformation to society with it is capable. In Islamic history there are values, which are when we able to dig up and formulate with a good formulation. It will become revocation and even it is a foundation material to changed forward to future period, which is more light and Islamic. Rasulullah SAW., and his friends prove with provisioned on dynamic and Islamic doctrine. They are able to change to Mekkah area from the darkness into the lightness. Therefore, it is clearly the example of the live or Ulama’s as his successor, we must imitate for them in everywhere we live. Finally, may we include Muhammad’s people that will take examples from him. Amin.

Those all what I can deliver to you Thank you very much for your attention. I wish you success and proserity May Allah Almighty continue to cover this blessed meeting with His mercy and protection and make easy the path of Islamic awareness and realization for the Muslim and others who may come to accept the light as well/Finally, May Allah make us worthy to be His servant, Amiin!

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

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