Honorable protocol
Honorable speakers
And my love brothers
In this good chance and opportunity; in this good occasion and in this a good time, I should like to bring you all to pray, to remember, and to praise to our Allah, who has given us mercy and blessing, so we could enjoy a good panorama in this world. And who has given us the complete body, health and pleasure, so we are able to have a meeting tonight.
Shalwat and salam to our Prophet Muhammad SAW., who saves his community and society from the darkness to the lightness and from immoral to moral.
And I thank you Chairman for giving me a good time for addressing me speech in front of you all tonight. Here I should like to speak about: “The Truth of Islam and Holy Qur’an”.
When Allah created man, he gave him the great weapon. He power of mind or trought. The greatest factors distinguishing man from other creatures are that he has soul besides his body, that he can think and assess all events with his mind, beside by using his mind, and carry out his decision distinguishing good and bad.
There are many other famous thinkers who admired the holy Qur’an. Let us quote some of their words. Professor Edward Monte said, “The Qur’an is the Book that tells Allah’s oneness in clearest, the must sublime, sacred and most convenient language which can be surpassed by no other religious book”.
Dr. Mourice, who translated the Qur’an into French, said, “The Qur’an is the most beautiful of religious books best owed upon mankind”.
Gaston Karr said: “The Qur’an which is the source of Islam, contain all the principles of modern civilization. Such a clear fact that today we have to believe that our civilization is established on the fundamental principles of the Qur’an”. The essence of Islam is a religion which is purged of all superstition, rejects fallacious and commands cleanliness bodily and spiritually. And so the essnce of Islamic religion is the belief in one Allah and his Prophet Muhammad SAW., who is like us. In Islam a Prophet is a man just like us, but innocent and perfect.
Essentially, the advent of the last Prophet was written in the ancient religious books as well as in the genuine Bible. Muhammad is the last prophet and no other Prophet will succeed him.
To believe in Allah’s Prophet means to believe all the commands and prohibitions written in the Qur’an. Islamic holly Book is the Qur’an, revealed by Allah to Muhammad and is relevant till hereafter.
No other religious book is as Qur’an. Goethe, one of the world’s famous literary men says about Qur’an, “The Qur’an contains many alteration which bore us, but by and by the book those who claimed that Islam is hostel to knowledge and science.
How could Islam ever been hostile to knowledge? Islam is knowledge it self, many chapters of the Qur’an command knowledge and praise men of knowledge for example the ninth verse of surah Az Zumar declares.
“Could he who knows ever be equal to him who does not know? He who knows is certainly more estimable”. (Az-Zumar: 9).
Our Prophet Muhammad had commanded us to seek knowledge. In he had said:
“Seek knowledge even in China”.
Go and learn even knowledge is in the fathers place of the world. Another Hadist declared:
“Learn from the cradle to the grave”.
My loving fighters of Islam.
This is my speech, if you find some mistakes, I beg your pardon.
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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