Respectable Chairman
Honorable of English competition
Before going on my speaking, let us thank Allah SWT, eho has given us the mercy and blessing, until we can meet in this place today. Peace upon our great prophet in this olace today. Peace be upon our great prophet in this world namely Muhammad who has brought us from the darknessvto lightness until we can discriminate right. Therefore, I do not forget to thanl Mr. Chairman who has given me the opportunity to speak in front of you all today. Standing here, I should like to discuss you about: “Trusth to Allah Give Calm Down in Heart”.
Ladies and gents!
Actually, if men will honest, they need something out of them selvers that has the power, capability and ability that exaggerated them. Because a man is not continuously capable to face the difficulties and to complete his need himself, include sense’s need, especially to faced difficulties, which is not solved by him. For believer, that something is Allah.
There are more hundred of verses that presented about the faith in the Qur’an. From those verses we can conclude, that believers have smart heart and glorious. In addition his deeds always to find Allah’s readiess as his God.
Ladies and gents!
How the Muslim reach for the faith to get happiness? While there are people not capable, yet use their faith in their live. They are restless and unhappy, every time and placed the fight happened, for example, in household, society and so fort. Actually, the faith is ought to process the sense, include the sense’s funcution, feeling and mind completely believe to Allah. Therefore, it is possible, if the faith is not complete the advantages for person is unhurt is not complete too. Then how is to manage our faith to find good live? For Muslims believe to Allah include believe to His characters. Believe to His characters must be realized in their attitudes and actions. So that their faith will fulfill trough reality of their faith, because in His character implied the answers of human live needed.
For example, Muslims must believe Wujuud of Allah. Allah is being great even if the proof abot His being is impossible, when it means is His essence. Because ability of science is very limited, where as the proof of Allah’s essence is outside of science. Allah being is eternally, as if He said in surah Al Baqarah, verses 255:
“Allah! There is no god save Him, the alive, and the eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaken Him. Unto Him belonged whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the eart. Who is the thet interceded with Him save by His leave? He knew that which is in front of them and that which is behind them while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne included the havens and the earth and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the sublime, the tremendous.” (Al-Baqarah: 255).
The faith to Allah as presented in the verse has great meaning for sense health of man. Human being can complaint request for help, protect, adjusment and so forth in every time, everywhere he needs Him. Each believer will not fell loneliness, because he fells that Allah is exist always, wake up and know everything. So that, he pushed away from restless and afraid, it means he fells loneliness and no place to accusation.
For example, we know the happen around us, sometime a man fell stressing or even foolish, because he is leaved by his be lover and no one person find to be accusation that will understand and help, but for believer, he is not fell loneliness in every where he stands. In spite of his silence, he fells no silence. Because his heart knows that Allah is not for and too near even.
Ladies and gentlemen!
We always meet someone who hopeless in his live when he lost anyody (family for example) and he fells loneliness an adolescent. For example, what a sorrow man, if he leaves his friend that sometime cause suicide and so forth, and there are some people who become shy, even fallen in sufferings because he fells loneliness after he is leaved by all people who is loved before. The world felt narrow also the world felt lonely. For someone is who hopeless and unbelief to Allah.
Therefore, we conclude that believe to being Allah will quieted the sense, because it is place to sigh and tell all mind. With the trust to Allah human being will be helped to free himself from thing bond and everything, which is material, characterized. In addition, those, to make easy to mind the trust to Allah, is the important element for human being.
Ladies and gentlemen!
For believers, he is not afraid to have lost his jobs, or works, when he is follow his superior, who is wrong. He believes that the world is wide and he sure that Allah has Arrahmaan and Arrahim characters. Moreover, the other character of Allah, if we look for the wisdom of them must be found the advantages for our live.
With the stromg trust to Allah and His characters we pray to Him, in order to safe our life from the troubles. Our heart should calm and lost from afraid, as if that He said in surah Ar-Ra’d verse 28:
“Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”. (Ar-Ra’d: 28).
That all for this time being, I hope you understand my speech. Finally, I would like you to forgive my fault if any. I thank you very much for your attention. May the Al Mighty bestow on us. His endless blessing for this activity.
By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
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