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Islamic Speech: Quick To Repentance

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

And my beloving brothers and sisters

In this good opportunity, no word preper I say, except say Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT, because with His guidance and His aid we can meet together in this place.

My Shalawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad SAW., that always we hope his intercession in hereafter.

I will never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all for participation in speech pratice in the glory place. Okey, I would like to present my speech under the title: “Quick  To Repentance”.

Brothers and sisters!

As human being, we know that we cannot clear from the mistakes. When we did the mistakes and sins either small and big sins, so quick to repentance and forgiveness to Allah, because Allah the most pleased to this people whom repentance, and is a great forgiving.

The repentance that emerges in somebody’s soul after doing the mistakes is including in a good soul. He should embroider with no back again the mistakes and the sins one more. It is the attitude of man who repentance.

Muslim must believe that Allah is a God who great forgiving and merciful. How a big our sins that we did are there? If we repentance to Him, so, He will forgive us. Truly, Allah is the most pleased to His people who repentance and self clear from the mistakes and sins which ever they done. Allah said in Holy Qur’an:

“And those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves rememer Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins_ who forgived sins save Alah only?_and will not knowingly repeat (the wrong) they did”.  (Ali Imran: 135).

There are verses of Al-Qur’an and Tradition (al-Hadits) that said in order to repentance and good people whom truly in repentance as if Allah said:

“And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that you may succeed”.

Ladies and gents!

There are some Tradition (al-Hadits) explain about repentance’s vitue are Thobroni tells with the right Sanad but one of his rawi is lose:

“The repentance man from the sins like a man who has not sins”.

Ibnu Hibban tells in his Shohi Book, also Hakim: “The repentance on the sins mean regret”. It means that the regret is a pillar of repentance, as the stated that Haji is Arafah. The repentance becomes necessity from the sin and bad with fear the torture.

Hakim tells the Tradition (al-Hadits) that he gives the vakue as Hadits Shahih but one of the rawi is lose: Allah know the man who repentance on his sins, and He will give forgiveness before His man ask the forgiveness on Him.

Muslim and the other tell:

“With God, that my spirit on holding on His power, if you have not sins and ask the forgiveness, truly Allah will lose you all. Then, He sent for the other people besides you, they do the sins and ask the forgiveness and Allah gives forgiveness to them”.

Ladies and gents!

Those all what I can deliver to you. Thank you very much for your attention I wish you succes and prosperity May Allah Almighty continue to cover this blessed with His mercy and protectiond easy the path of Islamic awarenees and realization for the Muslim and others may came to accept light as well.

Finally May Allah make us worthy to be His servent. Amiin.  

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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