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Islamic Speech: Devotion Is The Best Provisons For Hereafter

Honorable Mr. Chairman of presentation

Respectable speaker 

And my loving audience.

For beginning my speech, let we thank to Allah who made overflow his delicacy for us, until we cannot count it. Shalawat and salam may on our prophet Muhammad SAW, who was become messenger of Allah to make arrive gratifying news, warning and blessing for people on earth.

Then, I will never forget to thank to Mr. Chairman, who has given us an opportunity to deliver a speech in front of you all; under the title: “Devotion Is The Best Provisons For Hereafter”.

My brothers and sister’s!

As we know, that we life on the earth to do obedience to the command of Allah and His prophet (Rosul) and to go away from His prohibitions in order to we safe on the earth and hereafter. 

Ladies and gents!

How many evils and bad are we have deeds? And how many sins are we have to responsible? Without forgiveness from Allah SWT you include the people who have sins and to have a loss. Therefore, we have to repetance perfectly in order to we safe from the torture from Allah, where as, we become successful in the life, either life on earth or hereafter.

It is the more fundamental purpose in our life, which every time we hope to Allah. Allah had not been created the people except, ordered to enter into a person’s service to Him. As mentioned in Al-Qur’an, surah Adz Dzariyat verses 56:

“I created the Jiin and Humankind only that they might worship Me”. (Adz Dzariyaat: 56).

So, what teh meaning of our life, if we have not entered into  a person’s service to Allah? Will have not the meaning absolutely. So, we should prepare in this life to look for provisions for hereafter with belief and devotion, because a good provisions for hereafter is the devotion. As Allah said:

“so make provision for yourselves (hereafter): for the best provisin to ward of evil”. (Al-baqarah: 197).

Why the devotion to be the best provisions for hereafter? Because a pious man always good deeds, and always good actions, that advantages for himself or other. And always avoid bad action wichh dangerous for himself and others. Those, the effect of devotion to Allah SWT.

Ladies and gents wh blessed by Allah!

Sure, they answered and chose the happiness. However, how is their behavior on this earth? They always follow they lust until cross that established by Allah. Moreover , if you want to be fortune man, you should devout to Allah, because with devotion, you always will to be a good action that would by Allah. You would devout to Allah. May Allah guide us to the right way, so that, we get the happiness life and get the high degree in the future hereafter. Amin.

Perhaps those all what I can deliver to you. I apologize for my mistakes if any. Thank you very much for your attention, finally.

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Labels: Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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