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Pidato Sambutan Dalam Rangka Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijriyah

Assalamu alaikum wr. wb

Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu, dan saudara-saudara kaum muslimin yang kami hormati !

Pada kesempatan ini, patutlah kita memanjatkan rasa syukur kehadirat Allah yang telah mengaruniakan rohmat, hidayah, inayah sehingga kita semua dalam kesempatan ini dapat berkumpul di majilisan ini dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat dalam rangka memperingati dan menyambut Tahun Baru Hijriyah.

Hadirin dan hadirat kaum muslimin yang berbahagia !

Sekarang kita memasuki bulan Muharrom, yang berarti kita telah meninggalkan tahun-tahun yang telah lalu, dan berarti kita melangkah ke tahun yang baru (yakni tahun ......... hijriyah). Marilah dalam tahun baru ini kita isi lembaran-lembaran kertas putih dan tinta emas demi kesuksesan dimasa mendatang. Dan marilah kita tengok ke belakang sejenak dalam 1 lembaran-lembaran yang penuh dengan catatan-catatan, jadikan pengalaman dan suri tauladan catatan itu, maka yang baik kita ambil dan mana yang buruk kita buang/singkirkan. Pengalaman adalah guru yang paling baik. Sudah barang tentu pada tahun-tahun yang silam kita mengalami pengalaman-pengalaman yang masni dan lezat.

Dalam suasana tahun baru ini kita semua harus senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan pengabdian kita kepada Allah Ta'ala. Kalau ditahun-tahun yang telah lalu/dimasa silam itu kita masih sering melakukan berbagai kekurangan, maka marilah kita kejar kekurangan-kekurangan itu dengan semangat memperbaiki diri menuju kesempurnaan. Jika dimasa-masa lalu kita masih banyak melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat, maka marilah pada tahun baru ini kita ganti kemaksiatan-kemaksiatan itu dengan semangat memperbanyak amal kebajikan, amalan-amalan yang diridhoi oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Kapan kita memperbaiki diri kalau tidak mulai dari sekarang? Janganlah suka menunda-nunda waktu, membuang-buang waktu untuk hal-hal yang tidak berakhir. Gunakan waktu-waktumu dengan sebaik-baiknya dengan giat bekerja, giat belajar, giat beribadah serta giat dalam membangun negara dan bangsa. Waktu itu adalah ibarat pedang, jika kita tidak bisa menggunakan pedang itu yang akan memenggal leher kita. Juga terdapat kata-kata mutiara: Waktu itu adalah ibarat emas permata.

Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu serta saudara-saudara sekalian yang kami hormati !

Sudah kita maklumi bersama bahwa umur kita itu masing-masing telah ditentukan ajalnya oleh Sang Maha Pencipta. Ini berarti umur kita bukanlah semakin bertambah, akan tetapi malah sebaliknya semakin berkurang, bergantinya tahun berarti berkurangnya umur kita ini di dunia ini. Oleh sebab itu marilah isi kesempatan hidup kita di dunia ini dengan memperbanyak amal saleh sebagai bekal kita dihari mendatang (yakni setelah kita mati).

Sekarang kita masih hidup, tetapi siapa tahu kalau besok atau nanti kita akan mati. Sekarang kita masih dapat menikmati tahun baru, tetapi siapa tahu kalau tahun depan kita sudah berada di alam kubur.

Sehubungan dengan hal ini ada sebuah riwayat yang menerangkan bahwa pada suatu hari anak Kholifah Umar bin Khattab kembali pulang dari sekolah dengan menangis. Ketika ditanya oleh ayahnya lalu anak itu menjawab: Wahai ayahku, teman-temanku disekolah menghitung-hitung tambalan bajuku dan mengejekku dengan ucapan begini: Lihatlah anak Amirul Mu'minin, bajunya penuh dengan tambalan.

Mendengar pengaduan anak itu timbullah rasa kasihan dalam hati Umar bin Khattab terhadap anaknya. Oleh karena itu beliau mengirim sepucuk surat kepada bendaharawan negara yang isinya minta agar beliau dipinjami uang sebanyak empat dirham, dengan jaminan gajinya bulan depan dipotong. Kemudian bendaharawan negara itu mengirim surat jawaban yang isinya demikian: Wahai Umar, adakah telah dapat memastikan bahwa engkau akan hidup sampai bulan depan? Bagaimana kalau engkau mati sebelum melunasi hutangmu? Apa yang engkau perbuat terhadap hutangmu dihadapan Allah? Membaca surat dari bendaharawan negara itu menangislah Umar, lalu beliau menasehati dan berkata kepada anaknya: Wahai anakku, berangkatlah ke sekolah sebagaimana biasa, karena aku tidak dapat memperhitungkan umurku walaupun sejam lagi!

Bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu dan saudara-saudara sekalian yang kami hormati !

Demikianlah keterbatasan umur dan siapapun tidak tahu tentang batas umur yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah SWT. Oleh karena itu marilah kita pergunakan kesempatan hidup di dunia yang serba terbatas ini dengan meningkatkan ketakwaan kita kepada Allah SWT.

Pesan-Pesan :

Janganlah ditangguhkan pekerjaan hari ini sampai hari esok. Karena waktu itu laksana pedang, jika engkau tidak memotong (dengan pekerjaan) maka ia akan memotong engkau (melenyap hilang).

Demikian sepatah dua kata yang dapat kami sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, yakni dalam rangka menyambut tahun baru Hijriyah, semoga ada guna dan manfaatnya. Dan marilah kita sambut tahun baru ini dengan meningkatkan pengabdian kita kepada Allah SWT. Dengan demikian semoga kita dapat termasuk golongan orang-orang yang mensucikan diri dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga-Nya. Amin

Sekian ihdinash shiroothol mustaqiim. Wabillahit taufiq wal hidayah wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Oleh Drs. Maftuh Ahnan

Pidato Sambutan Wakil Siswa Dalam Menyambut Kedatangan Guru Baru

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Berkat rahmat Allah swt kita semua dapat berkumpul di gedung madrasah ini dalam keadaan sehat wal ‘afiat, dalam rangka menyambut kedatangan guru baru ibu Dian.

Ibu Dian yang kami hormati, serta Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu guru yang kami cintai.

Kami selaku siswa merasa gembira sekali, bahwa dihari ini telah hadir di tengah-tengah kita seorang ibu guru yang baru, yaitu Ibu Dian sebagai guru Kimia dari Kota Bandung.

Kami selaku siswa juga merasa sangat gembira, karena kami pada saat ini dan mulai hari ini mendapat seorang pendidik lagi.

Kami yakin bahwa Ibu Dian hadir di tengah-tengah kita ini membawa semangat yang baru pula, yang mampu mengarahkan kami, siswa yang kurang tahu dan masih bandel-bandel ini.

Ibu Dian yang kami hormati !

Janganlah ibu nanti terkejut apabila menghadapi kami-kami ini nanti nakal, yang mungkin bagi ibu hal tersebut baru pertama kali ibu jumpai di tempat ini.

Tetapi sebenarnya kami juga bisa menempatkan kenakalan-kenakalan kami. Sebab kami juga menyadari bahwa kami ini sudah besar-besar tentunya perilaku dan tindak tanduk menunjukkan perilaku orang besar, tidak lagi meniru perbuatan kekanak-kanakan. Jadi kenakalan-nakalan kami ini sebenarnya hanya menginginkan sentuhan kasih saying dari bapak dan ibu guru. Selanjutnya semoga Ibu Dian kerasan dan bisa menyatu dengan kami-kami dalam menuntut ilmu di sekolah ini.

Demikianlah sambutan yang dapat kami sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, bila ada kekhilafan baik itu kami sengaja maupun yang tidak kami sengaja, kami mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.

Dan kepada Ibu Dian kami ucapkan “Selamat memasuki dunia pendidikan ditempat kami ini dan semoga ibu mampu menciptakan suasana belajar mengajar yang lebih harmonis buat kami semuanya.

Sekian dan terima kasih.

Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. wb.

Oleh Drs. Maftuh Ahnan

Islamic Speech: Importance The Qur’an

Dear director of school

Respectable master of this ceremony

Respectable speakers

And my loving audience.

Before going to deliver my speech, I hope all audiences to thank our God Allah for He has bestowed us abundant mercies, so due to those we are able to attend this peaceful meeting. In this glory place without obstacle.

Than I hope you all to send peace and solution to our Prophet Muhammad, he is messenger and servant of Allah. And I don’t forget to thank the chief of meeting who has given us a several times to speak English in front of you all. Here I take the title: “Importance TheQur’an”.

My brothers and my sisters!

The Qur’an is Holy Book of moeslem it was reviled to our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) troughs angel to usher mankind, and read it is religious service, so the Holy Qur’an was descended by God Allah to show the right way for mankind and explain between right or wrong.

My brothers and my sisters in Islam.

As we know that Al-Qur’an is book of Moeslem, there for we must read everyday and to understand it with good understanding, and then we do it in our life everyday. Reading the Holy Qur’an we will get moral excellence (fadhillah) as like explain by our Prophet Muhammad.

“The mean of this Prophet tradition is reading The Holy Qur’an is The best worship in which Muslim who reads it should earn The greatest reward and be closer to Allah”.

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) narrates in many other intance about great reward derived from reciting the Holy Qur’an. He indicates that reading short surah Al-Ikhlas bear abundant reward. He says also, that surat Al-Ikhlas contitules one third of the Holy Qur’an which means that reading it three time is tantamount to reading the whole Qur’an. Like Muhammad said in his hadits:

“Was told by Annas bin Malik r.a: From Prophet Muhammad (peace Upon Him) saids: Whoever reads surat Al-Ikhlas once as if reads a third of Qur’an, and whoever reads it twice as like read two thirds of Qur’an, and whoever read it three time as if read the whole of Qur’an”.

The Prophet urges Muslim to recite The Holy Qur’an and to be with it at any time. He said:

“The Holy Qur’an is God feast, so take from gods feast what you can”.

The Holy Qur’an is not systematically compelled, and it is also presented briefly, so that, every Muslim have to (consider) ? translate and to do it or to reflect in to daily life. Being individual or member of society.

Dear friend and dear brothers!

That’s all for the time being, this hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like you to forgive me if made mistakes in my speech.

Finally I would like you to do back to spirit of Qur’an and make it ou way of life and try all time to be with it on and on. The and my speak.

Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Islam in Challenge Age

Dear protocols

Dear speakers

And my muslim brothers

In the name of Allah the beneficent and merciful, praised be to Allah which Him only we worship and which Him only we ask for help.

Thank for Mr. Chairman for your kidness giving me opportunity to speak in front of the public now, under entitled: “Islam In Challenge Age”.

All my brothers!

If we open the Islamic history, we find that the condition of Quraisy is in killing each others. There was no unity and humanity among them. The slavery was a deep rooted among them. Their character in the age was like the sons who walk in darkness, in a muddy street, no lamp and without stick to peep the way.

Therefore, Allah chooses Muhammad SAW. To become His Prophet to guide all human beings in this world and Allah Him the glorious book Al-Qur’an, which was the source of laws and knowledge and the method to live in the world.

Remember! Our Prophet Muhammad SAW never stopped struggling to spread Islamic teaching of Allah, though he had many ordeals and obstacles. He only lived sixty-three years, but he had a brilliant result and he died as the man who changed the world from the darkness to the brightness.

All my brothers!

The glorious age of Islam emerged Dynasty Abbasyyah age, where people had lived peacefully and prosperously. There was no distingush between one, others, social matters and social affair were running well, and they could spread Islamic teaching to Europe. However, after the Dynasty Abbsyyah, Islam began disappearing in decline more and more as long seven centuries.

All my brothers!

Today at the end of twentieth century, all Muslims over the world are arising from their great declination and the fire of spirit of Islam heartily went out will flare up again to get the glorious, till we have seen the revival of Islam was emerged in every where such as i the America although Islam is under the protection of communism. In Thailand although Islam is under the protection of jurisdiction of Buddhism. In Philippine although Islam is under the protection of Corry and so on. However, Islam is always in the glorious, as our Prophet Muhammad said:

Recently the revival of Islam in our country where some mosques always crowded by Muslim and women worn the veil or jilbab, because they understood that to obey the Islamic laws and rules is obliged.

We are santri, and as young generations of Islam, we must approach them and we must give them the spirit to depen the Islamic laws, until be realized “Baldatun Toyyibatun wa Rabbun Ghafuur”.

Let us get this our opportunity; there is no time to walk slowly.

Let us get our conquest, let us get our conquest. This is my speech. Finally. 

Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Look For Legally Livelihood

Honorable Chairman of presentation 

Respectable master of ceremony

Respectable speakers

And my loving audience.

Before speaking on the subject proper, let us thank Allah the creator of unirverse, the merciful and the beneficent, by His blessing we are able to gatherin this the messenger who for the sake of universal happiness was sent down to show the mankind the right path.

Here I stand before you all in the morning to deliver a word or two on the topic: “Look For Legally Livelihood”.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Through this forum, I invite you especially for me in order to increase devotion to Allah completely. It mean we do his commands and leave His prohibition, in addition we thank to Allah for his blessing and gift that are given to us, may we can use and give it in a good way and we always find safety and happiness in the world and hereafter, Amin.

Ladies and gentlemen!

We always found in everyday social live,people sigh in look for the provision because of difficult of occupation, or may be not find the capital for exertion. So that, the people are not take care between Halal and Haram. Whatever do to get the money they are not take care Religion rules, even they give argument: How much more to look for the permitted thing, the forbidden thing difficult to get.

What an axious this argument like this, it hold to look for the provision (every day provision). Actually, we know that the forces, which have been given by Allah, cause of food and drinking we eat, and processed in our body, finally to be energy. So that, permitted and forbidden’s food are influence for our move and everyday attitude. When the foods permitted by Allah may we easy to do, the worship and good deeds, on the contrary when the food that we eat is forbidden, may it enwove to us to do the wrong deeds. Therefore, our Prophet ought to remind us that flesh which is growth from forbidden thing it will place in the hell.

Ladies and gentlemen!

What are included in forbidden categories? In generally, the forbidden sometimes its denied by religion like spirituous drink, pig, dog, carrion, blood and so forth. In addition, exactly its thing permitted to eaten but it forbidden because it is found with the way that is denied by religion like the corruption income, mouthful, Chicken flesh for example, at first is permitted for eat but if it from the stolen, so to be forbidden to eat. In addition, whatever that it is bought with corruption income or gambling, mouthful and so forth. Those are denied by religion, so that they are to be forbidden to take the advantages. Something that get from the wrong ways, if taken to eat and effect to the force, so the force will cacth the actor in the hell, as Allah said in surah An Nisa’, verse 10:

“Lo! Those who devour the wealth of orphan wrongfully they do but swallow fire into their bellies, and they will be exposed to burning flame”.  (An Nisa’: 10). 

The verse above explain that eat an orphan’s wealth with the wrong ways, which is denied by religion, will trail person in Sa’iir hell. In addition, Allah explained in Surah Al-Muthaffiffin, verse 1-3:

“Woe unto the defrauders. Those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it full. But if they measure unto them or wigh for them they cause themless”.  (Al-Muthaffiffin: 1-3).

Those false deeds in weight (out) or measure will be the person come in will hell. Moreover, there are some ways, which denied by religion. Those explained by Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits.

Ladies and gentlemen!

We have family and responsible to their on livelihood and even we ought to effort in order to do not the wrong ways that forbidden by Allah SWT. The livelihood that we given to them necessaries should the permitted thing. It is sorry for them, if they will be victim and responsible to the risk of their deeds or our efforts which is forbidden to the religion. May they have not know, from where we have gotten something that we gave to them. However, althought they have not know, finally they necessary will fell. It is impossible, the forbidden thing will cause goodness, therefore, its effect on cotrary is it invite to the wrong deeds and denial. The forbidden thing will be dark and heart hard, so that, it difficult to be invite to goods and receive the straightness what an ironic the problem, if it our self and our family. Each advise and rememberance of religion, which is hear is not able to holed their heart, only passed and not emerge the reaction, because the heart hard like stone or even more hard of it.

Ladies and gentlemen!

So that  we should effor maximally to get permitted thing. We should preserve and press our desire that invite to leave the religion role, because all is to us and wiil back to our self in the last. Something has a good and permitted will give goodness and forbidden thing will emerge the wrong deeds and denied. Goodness will reward by Allah, as for, the wrong deeds and denied will result the sin, where as Allah is a great knowledge and wisdom on His people. If we will devout to Allah completely, with doing what His command and leave what His Forbidden. It is easy to us, because Allah will gives the solution and sufficent. Allah said in surah At Thalaq, verse 2 and 3:

“And whosover kept His duty to Allah; Allah will appoint a way out for him. And will provide for him from (quarter) whence he had no expectition”.  (Ath Thalaq: 2-3).

Also in the same surah, verse 4:

“And whosoever kept his duty to Allah, He made his course easy for him”.  (Ath Thalaq: 4).
Finally, let pray to the Almighty Allah, may we get the great success our effort.

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Help Each Other In Goodness

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

And my loving audience

All praise only to Allah, who sends Rasulullah with bringing the revelation and the right Religion, who has been given his blessing for us, mean blessing of belief, Islam and health, until the opportunity I can meet together in this blessing place. Moreover, I will never forget to say thank to Chairman who gives opportunity for me to speech in front of you all, under the title: “Help Each Other In Goodness”.

Ladies and gents!

Islam commands to poeple to do just (rightful), and always to do goodness for everybody, on the contrary, Islam prohibit for people to wrong to person, Islam educates for somebody who has trust to obey the command of Allah and always deed the goodness. For Muslims were ordered to help each other in goodness and prohibit helping each other in bed deed. Because thus, will harm all sides. In following case, Allah said:

“But help one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression”. (Al-Maidah: 2).

This verses explains that Allah command to people who believed  in order to help each other in the positive case. And prohibit all negative cases, like fight, which come the sins. Ibnu Jarir said: The sin is if avoid everything that was commanded by Allah. Where as the meaning of fight is to cross what was established by Allah in the religion and for cross what was obligated by Allah on each person with other.

Ladies and gents!

Our prophet said, that related with help each other in goodness. 

“From Abdurrahman Zaid bin Khalid Al Juhainy r.a said, our prophet said: Whoever prepare everything to fight in the way of Allah, so it is truly he fought in the way of Allah, and whoever keep proprietary right of man who fighting seriously, mean he followed the fight. (Bukhari and Muslim).

Everything that represent of requirement and importance in the fight in the way of Allah, so, to do in includes in the fight as the fight quiet household and family, so a men who help in keeping proprietary right seriously will get reward as the reward of the fighter.

Thus teh expression of stimilation for goodness and obedience, which contain stimulation for Muslim to help each other in goodness and obedience to Allah, and advise each other too. Finally, will be continuing (istiqamah) in doing command of Allah, and will get the reward in resurrection. So, whoever want to become the best exalted, they should extend the goodness for people, and bridle the wrongs and fighting, with the raight ways, so Islamic people will happiness on earth and hereafter.

That’s all for the time being. It is hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like you to forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. Thank a lot for your full attention to me. My Allah the Almighty bestow on us His undless blessings for this faithful activity.  

Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Keep The Mandete

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

My loving brothers and sisters

First, let’s thank to Allah, the God of the whole world.may Shalawat and Salam be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, who has guide us from darkness to lightness.

Ladies and gents!

As a believer, we should keep and to take care the mandete as good as possible. Keep the mandete is the one of the characters of the Angels, Prophets, and Apostles and become special character to a good man and devotion. Allah said:

“Lo! Allah commanded you that you restore deposits to their owners”.  (An-Nisa’: 58).

According to the commentator, the verse is contains of main point of law of religion. That verse commonly related with people (mukallaf) either to take hold as business man or not. They should to guard and honest to man who is ill-treated and explain his rights, that is the mandete. Keep the wealth of Muslims especially the wealth of an orphan child. The Ulama’s obligate to teach the religion’s laws to humankind commonly. It is also the mandete that must be kept by them and to be special priority, which has to be done. The old man should keep his young with giving education as good as possible, it is the mandete for him.

Ladies and gents!

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW., said:

“No belief for man who can not be trusted to his mandate and no religion for man who can not fulfil one’s promise”.

And he said:

“Every man of you is a leader and every man of you will be asked the responsibility on his leadership”.

In Zahru Al-Riyadh explained that in the day of resurrection every man would be come faced to Allah, the He said: No O my God, so Allah ordered to an Angel to hold his hand and to throw a way in the hell of Jahannam. Then his eyes were showed to the mandate which found in the hell’s valley of Jahannam, so that, he come in that valley (Jahannam). After he arrive in the top of the valley (Jahannam) his feet slide until he fall down one more with bringing his mandate. He climbs and falls down one more and continuously, so that the mercy of God come through the intercession (syafa’at) of the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, until the last, the owner’s of the mandate willingness.

He (Muhammad SAW) also said: “Deliver the mandate to person who entrust with you and do not betray to person who betrayed to you”.

In addition, he said: “My people will always in the rightness when they do not think the mandate as the fortune and the alms as the loss”.

Ladies and gents!

Those all what I can deliver to this opportunity, may we become the uslim who alwasy keep the mandate as good as possible. Finally, thank for your attention and I apologize for mistakes, wallahu muwaffiq ilaa aqwaamit thariq. 

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Looking For Science

Respectable master of ceremony

Respectable speakers

And my loving audience

First,   let's thank to God Allah,  and All price to him,  the lord of the world,  the creator of everything in the universe who has given us the Mercy's in blessing until  we can attend  this meeting in this place.

Secondly,  peace be upon who are Prophet Muhammad,  who has moved  old soul from the bed character the good one. Who had guided  us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the of judgement.

thirdly,  I'll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman,  who has given us an opportunity to deliver a speech in front off the public. Standing in front  of  you all i would present my peech  under the title: “Looking For Science”

You must know that looking for science in the whole Moeslem’s  obligation.

 even the human kind in the world.  It is called  by our Prophet Muhammad in his hadits

“The ecquisition of  knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Moeslem, male and female.”

Whay our prophet Muhammad  obligate us to looking for science? Because science is very important to our life. With science  we can conquer  the creatures  in this world,  like mountains, sky, Moon, Sun, fier animal and the planets.

With science we can  be leader of all creatures  in this world,  we can be the best because of our  science.  If we don't have will be like the  other creatures. We will be foolish  men and we do not know anything. So we will be worse  than the creatures As like my said above, that looking for science is very important in this life, Because with science we will get fortunate in the world or in the hereafter. Therefor. Who want to get fortunate in this world, they must  have science of world, so that who want to get furtunate  in hereafter, they must have science of religion and do it in they life everyday. Like side  by our Prophet Muhammad said:

“Whosoever wants the world he sould have knowladge, whosoever wants the nex world hereafter he should have knowladge, too and whosoever wants both, the world and the nex world hereafter, he should have knowladge.”

From this speech all of our Prophet Muhammad,  we can to conclude  that how the important all of  the science by life of men. Because the science,  Allah wants to rise man hight rank. Allah saids in holy Qur’an in Mujadalah verses 11:

“Allah will exalt those who belive among you and those who have knowladge to hight ranks…” (Al-Mujadalah verses: 11)

Because the knowledge to distinguish a man and animal. Therefore, the knowledge is very important by man of life. Allah saids in Holy Qur’an that the first verses was downed is verses of Al-A’laq and bigined with IQRA’ word the mean is read. This is to indicate that reading is good  methode  to get science,  without reading men difficult to get knowledge.

As human bieng,  we have reason and intelligence. With this reason, we can look for science that will make us  different from animal. The other creaturs like animal and plan our unable  to look for science,  because they have no reason. That is whay man is usperior to other creatures. For example, man can conquer all  creatures  in this world  such as huge mountain,  giant  trees,  wild,  animal and so on.

We can emagine, super fast if we had knowledge, will be the same as the other creatures even worse than they are. Look at a crazy man, he is worse than animal, isn’t he? Time and pleace do not limit looking for science. The holy prophet said:

“Seek knowledge from the cradle until the grave”
“seek knowledge although in China”

Islam ordains a long life education. As long as we are still a live, we still have obligation look for knowledge.

Dear Muslims!

That’s all for the time being. It is hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like you forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. Thank a lot for your full ettention to me, my Allah the Almighty bestow on us His undless blessing for this faithful activity.

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Ethic Of Social Life In Islam

Honorable Chairman of presentation

Respectable speakers

My loving brothers and sisters

First of all, let’s thank God Allah the Almighty, who has bestowed us mercies and blessing so that we can attend this meeting without any obstacle.

Peace and solitation be upon to the noblest Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) his household, his companions and the faithful follow, who striv in Allah religion of Islam.

I expres my gratitude from the buttom of my heart to the Master of Ceremony for giving me valuable chance so that I can present my speech in front of the audiences.

Okey, ladies and gent.

I would like to take this great opportunity to deliver my speech under the title of: “Ethic Of Social Life In Islam”.

Social relationship is very important. Imagine, if we life. Similarly life without social relationship will be felt lonly. Therefore every body realizes that there must be a social interaction in life, because a man has a social instict, he cannot stand by himself.

However, not many people are clever at having social interaction. Some people consider it easy and unimportant. So they can’t behave properly, for example by showing off their pride.

As a universal religion, Islam encompasses many things and it puts emphasis a lot on guiding how to adopt an ethic of social life. This matter is necessarily discussed again and again, because Islam not only commands Muslims to make relationship with Allah, but also with among human beings. Therefore we would like to discuss about the ethic of social life in Islam.

First of all, Islam rejects and disapproves of teh social life based on races, skin, dynasty, social status, tribes and the likes. The Messenger of Allah Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him once made Bilal bin Rab’ah as his close companion in order to show the world that Islam did not differentiate the skin and race. The Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him also made friend with the needy people who had no social status. Even he made friend with the people who had different belief and religion. In Islam, we may get in touch with any one of different religions since it doesn’t endanger our belief.

Besides, Islam also teaches us to behave politely and to speak wisely. On the other hand when there is a dispute or misunderstanding among us, we have to apologize and forgive one another immediately. We must behave openly and throw all negative thingkings toward the others. This is a part of social life taught by our Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.

That’s all for the time being. It is hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like you to forgive me if made mistakes in my speech. Thank a lot for your full ettention to me. My Allah the Almighty bestow on us Him undless blessing for this faithful  activity.    

Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir S.Hum

Islamic Speech: Suggestion to Follow Circumcision (Sunnah Rasul)

Respectable master of ceremony

Respectable speaker 

And my loving audience.

For beginning my speech, let we thank to Allah who made overflow his delicacy for us, until we cannot count it. Shalawat and salam may on our prophet Muhammad SAW., who was become messenger of Allah to make arrive gratifying news, warning and blessing for people on earth.

Then, I will never forget to thank to Mr. Chairman, who has given us an opportunity to deliver a speech in front of you all; under the title: “Suggestion to Follow Circumcision (Sunnah Rasull)”.

Dear Muslim!

It is true, the shine comes and the Holy Qor’an obviosly comes from Allah for us. With Al-Qur’an Allah will guide for some body that follows his willingness and show to upright way with the light, which shine, on west until east. With Al-Qur’an Allah will fulfill one’s heart with science, trust and honest. With Al-Qur’an Allah will cleans the morals or bad deeds and perfect all principles.with Al-Qur’an Allah will change the attitude of believer from syirik in praying to be sincerity for Allah. And after denial from the right, then get guide and help. So that after disruption cause the slander become friendship with hold the Command of Allah, and after broken to be well, after sadness to be happiness those are only of blessing of Allah.

Really syari’at Allah is easy and this doctrine is straight, that fulfilled and seized for all which to make quite of heart. As Allah said in Holy Qur’an:

“Such is Allah your Lord; He is the sovereignty; and those unto whom you pray instead of Him own not so much as the white spot on a datestone”. (Al-Faathir: 13).

The short verse command to us in order to hold on circumcision (Sunnah Rasul) and to go a way from new cases, that is not contrary with religion, beacuse each new case in religion is bid’ah. As our prophet said:

“Any body to do a good deeds that never been done by Rasululllah is refused”.

Ladies and gent’s!

I hope you should always hold with Al-Qur’an; and circumcision. If you hold of both, so, you must will be a good man that readiness by Allah, either his deeds or behavior. Moreover, it is not doubted that the heaven available and opened for people who always follow the Holy book (Al-Qur’an) and circumcision. Don’t afraid and fearful, truly Allah with you. Beside that, ladies and gents! Be known! Those in the presence of you there are Orientalist and unbeliever and behind you are Jewish and Christian stand. They want broken the Islam, therefore, where you will run, hey! The young Muslim! There are no place to run for you! Except fight and jihad to face the threat of Jewish and Christian, so that, our Government to be fine, which is take place in it Allah’s laws and His circumcision. And fight for your religion and don’t worry, truly, Allah with you always.

Perhaps those all what I can deliver to you. I apologize for my mistakes if any. Thank you very mauch for your attention, finally.  

By :
Drs. Moh. Syamsi Hasan
Drs. Moh. Amer Nasihin
Moh. Toha Munir, S.Hum

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